I have completed my brand new gallery of Meg. You can find it if you press that button right below. It's amazing to see a team of people work together and accomplish something so great. The photoshoot involved Jonathan Thomas (Co-Photographer), Lee Grubbs (Makeup Artist/Stylist), Meg Lucker (Model), and myself. The page I hope is to everyones liking. As it is with my galleries, there is a comment section on the bottom and for some reason the middle of the page so feel free to let me know how you feel, and please be honest. I can take it. There is a lot of new things in the works at the moment as I am bringing in new members of this blog. As some have already seen, I am expanding the blog section to incorporate more people and topics. Also, I have been making videos and music for a while now, but I have yet to post any online. Maybe later down the road you can see that. Furthermore, I am starting a new food blog and if anyone would like to post onto that for exposure please contact me at my email ([email protected]). As always, You Do You -that1thought
1 Comment
Ahhh this question. I get asked this a lot and I never seemed to have an answer for it. What kind of photography do you do? You should really focus on one thing right? You can't have diversity in what you do. You have to "brand" yourself in the work you do. People look for constancy, they hate change. Find what you're good at and stick to it right? Psh Please If you guys know me I have a saying... *ahem* "YOU DO YOU" -me I live by this rule. Do what you need to and want to do. Live by your own rules. Who cares what other people think or rather ask yourself why they care about it so much. So to answer this question...I shoot what I want and what interests me. Why should that be a problem? As again you awesome and amazing people, here's an amazing song for you. Have a fantastic day and remember... You Do You I just tried a new style of page layout and I love it. The new gallery fro Ami Park is now up at www.that1thought.com/ami and it looks amazing, you should all check it out! As an update, I am still working on the edits from my photoshoot with Meg, Lee, and Jonathan, but look forward to it coming out real soon! As per usual, here's another amazing song! I just had two AMAZING photoshoots with just the BEST people. The first one was with Ami Park at the Travel Town Museum. She is the kind of person whose enthusiasm and pure presence leaves you awe struck and wanting to work harder. An absolute professional, she had a clear goal and made a wonderful model. Her direction and just genuine optimism showed in all the photos we took. The next photoshoot was with a STUNNING model, Meg Lucker, a MIRACLE WORKING makeup artist, Lee Grubbs, and one of the most TALENTED photographers I know, Jonathan Thomas. They were all the most wonderful people and I have never clicked with a group of people that fast. We had such an amazing shoot, with the makeup being completely on fleek, the poses perfect with little to no direction, and a photographer who knew exactly how to shoot. I can say that I would want to work with all these people again, hopefully soon. I can honestly call them friends and creators who work for a common purpose of creating excellence. Below are two sneak peak photos for new galleries that will go up very soon. And as always, here's an amazing song I hope you all enjoy. Have a FANTASTIC day! |